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How to set your Facebook page's username?

To add or change the username of your Facebook Page, follow these steps:

I. Access Your Facebook Page
1. Log In: Log into your Facebook account.
2. Navigate to Your Page: Click on "Pages" in the left-hand menu or use the search bar to find your Page.

II. Edit the Username
1. Go to the Page Settings: On your Page, click on "Settings" at the bottom left of the Page.
2. Edit Page Info: In the "General" section of the Page settings, find and click "Edit Page Info."

III. Change Username
1. Username Field: Look for the "Username" field in the "General" section or "About" tab.
2. Enter New Username: Click on the field, delete the old username if present, and type in the new username. It must be unique and follow Facebook’s guidelines (no spaces, special characters, and it must be between 5 and 50 characters).

IV. Save Changes
1. Check Availability: Facebook will check if the username is available. If it’s available, a green checkmark will appear.
2. Save: Click "Save Changes" to apply the new username.

V. Verify Changes
1. Confirmation: Once saved, your new username should be reflected on your Page URL immediately (e.g.,
2. Double-Check: Verify that the username is correct and links to your Page by visiting the URL.

VI. Troubleshooting
- Username Unavailable: If the username is taken or invalid, you will need to try a different one.
- Account Restrictions: Ensure your Page has the proper administrative privileges and complies with Facebook’s community standards and username guidelines.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully add or change your Facebook Page username.



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